The Michigan CoOp welcomes companies and organizations who believe in and offer services that further student-centered learning. Sponsorship options and pricing available through June 30, 2025.
Link on Public Resources page of website (under Companies) |
$100 |
Demo Presentation and Video
- 15-minute session with MiCoOp members
- Recorded by MiCoOp or provided by vendor
- Recording sent to MiCoOp membership
- Housed on MiCoOp Members Only Resources page
$300 |
Public Webinar Sponsorship
- Logo on website webinar page and in email reminders to MiCoOp members
- Included in social media posts to promote webinar
- Logo and contact information on webinar introduction slide
- Present for 3-5 minutes at beginning of webinar
- Session is recorded and housed on the MiCoOp website
$500 |
Summer Conference Sponsor (two days in August)
- Attend the conference in-person as a participant (up to two individuals from company)
- Interact and network with MiCoOp members throughout conference
- Half of an 8-foot table to display marketing materials
- Sponsor booths open one hour before sessions
- Sponsor Showcase
- Two-minute introduction to whole group to speak briefly about products/service
- Logo on conference email communication to members and on website conference page
- Logo and contact information on conference program/agenda
- Lead a breakout session related to education (session cannot be to sell product/service)
- List of participants upon request
$700 |
Winter Virtual Conference Sponsor (February)
- Attend the conference virtually as a participant (up to two individuals from company)
- Logo on conference email communication to members and on website conference page
- Company logo and contact information on session introduction slide
- Up to three minutes to share live at the beginning of the session
- Session recording housed on the Members Only Resource page on the MiCoOp website
- Lead a breakout session related to education (session cannot be to sell product/service)
- List of participants upon request
- One sponsor per session
- Collaborating: All options (with one session at Winter Conference) $1,600
- Engaging: Link, demo, webinar, and Summer Conference $1,300
- Supporting: Link, demo, webinar, and one session at Winter Conference $1,000